Saturday 15 March 2014

Diet For Oily Skin

Healthy Tips to control oily skin:

Often the proper skin care is not enough to control oily skin. Eating a healthy diet and ensure that you provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals you need to play a key role in the treatment of oily skin .


Diet for Oily Skin:

The goal is to eat as many vegetables , especially green leafy vegetables (spinach , kale , lettuce , arugula , celery, leek) possible.

Control oily skin with a healthy diet:

 Healthy diet

1.Fruit juices through the sulfur containing help maintain a clean and healthy skin. Always drink fruit juices and smoothies on an empty stomach , either in the morning or between meals.

2.Avoid strong tea , coffee, snuff , alcohol and fermented beverages (beer, wine).

3.Eat only fresh foods and avoid cooking vegetables if they can be eaten raw .

4.Avoid white bread, pasta and baked goods . Choose rye or graham for control of wheat and practical.

5.Avoid pickles , peppers , chili, saturated oils and fatty foods.

6.Replace sugar with honey and avoid sugary drinks and sweets.

7.Reduce salt as much as you can.

8.Completely eliminate canned foods, sausages, smoked / fermented cheese.

9.Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day . Start your day with a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon . Fluids help remove toxins from your body and improve your complexion.

10.Drink green tea or mint nettle (at least a cup a day).

11.Try to fight constipation , which is a cause of acne. Proven natural remedies for constipation are castor oil and herbal laxative tea. You can also try a cure apricots or prunes . Keep a couple of pieces of dried fruit in some water overnight and eat in the morning on an empty stomach. One hour after drinking a juice of lemon or orange.

Vitamins for oily skin:

Vitamin E
vitamin A
B vitamins
Vitamin C
Vitamin D

Rhodiola Rosea
Agnus Castus
Siberian ginseng
Aloe Vera Juice
Saw Palmetto ( by excessive androgens, which is one of the causes of oily skin)

Do not start all at once - give it a week or two before adding the next thing so if you have a reaction , you know where you came from.



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